Wednesday 14 August 2013

Rory's 3DS Game of the Month

So, after changed release dates and some speculation, it seems that I have finally settled on the 3DS game I will be buying for myself this month.

Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan is a first-person role playing game, and the fourth in the Etrian Odyssey series (obviously).
In the world of Tharsis, there is a tree named Yggdrasil that just sort of exists on the horizon. It has been a presence in the lives of the people for as long as they can remember, yet no one has ever explore its roots. However, the Outland Court of Tharsis sponsors an Explorers Guild to reach Yggdrasil and discover its secrets.
Obviously, you take on the role of an explorer who is searching for fame and fortune in Tharsis. With a skyship, you set out and search for treasure, glory and the answer to Tharsis' oldest mysteries.

The game boasts over thirty hours of first-person RPG action and 3D dungeons, in addition to enhanced graphics, new character portraits and 3D enemies for the first time. The clouds can be explored as well, and the skyship can be upgraded. It will also make use of StreetPass to access guild cards and trade between systems.

Now, as far as I know, Etrian Odyssey is not an easy series of games. However, I certainly love a challenge, and will happily welcome another RPG to the 3DS. Also, thanks in part to Touhou, I'm aware of the FOEs, monsters of incredible strength who are just there to ruin your day.
So, yeah, even in my blog, F O E!
Sorry, sorry, couldn't help it. Besides, with over 30 hours, I reckon this game will keep me busy for a while, at least until I have to choose between at least 3 games in September...

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