Sunday 23 June 2013

A Tactician's Journal 1 - Premonitions and People

So here's the first part of a series of posts that follow Fire Emblem: Awakening's Avatar on his journey to prevent dark forces from destroying the land. In this case, the Avatar will be male, and named Red. There will be spoilers, you have been warned (and will be warned every new post, just in case).

Premonition: Invisible Ties
Our foe was Validar; a powerful dark mage. Everything had led up to that point, and we had every intention of claiming victory. I fought alongside Chrom; there would have been no way either of us could have achieved victory on our own.
Together, we were able to strike Validar down and bring everything to an end. At least, that's what I had thought. Validar collapsed, but had enough energy for one final spell. I was able to get Chrom out of the way, but that's when it happened.
I lost control of my body, and murdered Chrom with my magic. Even as he was dying, he refused to blame me for what had happened. He told me to escape, and then after that... I don't know.

Prologue: The Verge of History
I woke up to find two people standing over me. One was a blue-haired man in armour, and the other a blonde-haired girl in a dress. They were also joined by another armoured man, this one with brown hair.
The blue-haired man offered me his hand, and helped to me get up. I have no idea why I was sleeping in the middle of nowhere like that...
Without any prompts, I immediately knew that the blue-haired man's name was Chrom. I was quick enough to recall Chrom's name, but mine own eluded me. As for why I was there... well, I don't have the slightest clue.
The girl seemed to possess a little knowledge of my condition. She called it amnesia. The brown-haired man was less than convinced. I can't blame him, after all I knew Chrom's name, but not my own. Still, I don't know why that man was so untrusting.
Fortunately, Chrom seemed to be more understanding. I learned that the other man's name was Frederick, and he was a cautious fellow. Chrom went ahead and decided to take me to a town where everything could be sorted out, although he did not ever ask me if I had a view on the situation.

We ended going to the aforementioned town, although I couldn't help but feel like I was being treated like a prisoner. Chrom seemed to find that funny, and assured that I would be free to go if I wasn't an enemy of Ylisse.
It turned out that Ylisse was a halidom, ruled over by the exalt Emmeryn. Absolutely none of this triggered anything in my memories. This is where I received some proper introductions to the people I found myself now travelling with.
There was Chrom, which I already knew. The girl was Lissa, a supposedly delicate one and Chrom's younger sister. She didn't seem to be too happy about being called delicate...
I noticed that they kept referring to themselves as Shepherds, and thought it was a bit strange for men to tend sheep whilst wearing armour. I'm fairly certain Chrom mocked Frederick by giving the name 'Frederick the Wary', but I don't think that had any effect on him.
Still, I guess I would have been wary of a complete stranger who possessed the limited knowledge I did at that time. Coincidentally, I also remembered my name was Red.
Before we could get much further, smoke could be seen rising from the town. Chrom immediately rallied Lissa and Frederick and charged off. I had very little else to do, so I followed them.

Bandits were ransacking the town, stealing anything that wasn't nailed down. Fortunately, I had a Thunder tome and a Bronze Sword about my person, so I offered to fight alongside Chrom and the others. Chrom allowed that.
Chrom seemed a little uneasy about me vaguely remembering whether I could use magic or not, but that didn't matter at the time. We had an enemy before us, and we needed to save the town. Whilst Chrom, Frederick and I fought, Lissa used her staff to heal any wounds we managed to sustain.
As the battle continued on, I got a feel for the way combat worked. For some reason, I was able to tell the enemy's abilities and other such things that would be useful in any battle.
Since I had offered to fight alongside Chrom, he considered me a friend. This returned another memory to me; fighting side by side would be much more effective than fighting alone.
We were able to defeat the bandits, bringing peace back to the town.
I was able to regain some knowledge about myself during the battle, but there was still much more that I couldn't be sure about. Chrom accepted me as an ally since I fought to save Ylissean lives, but Frederick remained cautious.
Chrom mentioned that Ylisse had many enemies, and that they could use someone like me. He also had no problems with believing my tale. Chrom invited me to join the Shepherds, and I accepted.

Frederick pointed out that the bandits had a Plegian accent. Turned out that Plegia was Ylisse's westerly neighbour, constantly trying to start a war by sending small bands into Ylisse. That was why Chrom's band was called Shepherds; they protected the innocent sheep of Ylisse from the bandits of Plegia and other threats.
One of the villagers offered to allow us to stay overnight, but Frederick insisted on hurrying back to Ylisstol. Lissa didn't seem too pleased with that. Instead of spending the night in a comfortable room, we would be camping...
I called Frederick stern, but it seemed that Lissa had several other names in mind for him. Apparently, he was only happy when bringing the axe down. I should probably make a note to not get on Frederick's bad side...
We departed for the capital a short while before evening.

Man, today has been an odd one. First there's that strange dream, then I wake up in the middle of nowhere with people standing over me. Still, those people seem to be good. Chrom, Lissa, and even Frederick, despite his wary nature... I think they'll be fine friends. Who knows? Maybe my memory will return whilst I travel with them. For now, though, I think that's enough writing for a day. We'll arrive at Ylisstol tomorrow, and I may be able to get a few things straightened out.

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