Monday 24 June 2013

A Tactician's Journal 2 - Masked Swordsman

So, after being accepted into the Shepherds by Chrom, Red and his new companions travel towards Ylisstol. But first, they decide to camp for the night...

Chapter 1: Unwelcome Change
We stopped west of Ylisstol, since Lissa started complaining about the dark and bugs. First, however, we went and found some food.
Somehow, we managed to hunt a bear. Once again, Lissa didn't seem to pleased with that. I, however, seemed to enjoy it. I don't remember if I would have ever eaten bear meat before being found by Chrom, heck, I could've even been vegetarian. Still, I was hungry, so I guess anything would have tasted good.
Lissa didn't seem to be the only one who wasn't eating. Frederick hadn't touched any of it, claiming he had a large lunch. Shortly after eating, I fell asleep.
I learned shortly afterwards that Chrom and Lissa wondered off, after Chrom felt something was amiss. An earthquake shook the land, and strange humanoid creatures fell from the sky and attacked Chrom and Lissa.
Chrom was busy fighting, so he was unable to defend Lissa. Fortunately, a mysterious masked swordsman was able to save her. At least, that's what Chrom and Lissa told me.

Frederick and I found Chrom shortly afterwards, with a few more of those horrific creatures waiting for us. Lissa mentioned the masked man, but he was no longer present. We engaged the enemy.
During the battle, we were joined by two new companions. One was Sully, a cavalier and another member of the Shepherds. She had red hair and red armour. Sully was followed by an archer with long grey hair (not from age, but naturally that colour, I guess). It seemed that the archer's name was Virion, and he was one of those people who would hit on a tree if it was wearing a skirt. After a little violence between the two, they joined our fight.
We were able to defeat the enemy in the end. It turned out that the masked swordsman took care of the other creatures whilst we were fighting. Lissa thanked him for saving her and Chrom asked his name. The masked man revealed he was named Marth, just like the heroic king of old. He then went on to say that the world was on the brink of a calamity, and the creatures we had fought were just a prelude to that. Marth departed after that.
Having received Marth's warning, we pressed on towards the capital. We had no idea how far those monsters had spread, so we hurried onward.

That night was an exhausting one. I would have never expected to fight such strange creatures. They were human in shape, but that was the only human aspect of them. And then there's that masked man, Marth. He seemed to know something about them. Still, as Frederick said, we will probably hear his name again. For now, we just need to focus on getting to Ylisstol.

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