Thursday 20 June 2013

Some stuff that may or may not be upcoming from me

Well, I haven't posted here for a little while, have I? I figured I would rectify that by posting something, although this particular post won't hold any great value.
Anyway, on with what I want to say. I have finished writing a short story featuring the protagonists of the Coin Flip Chronicles, Rin and Amity. It was just an unconnected piece, playing around with the usual story of a knight storming a castle to save a princess... in this case it's Rin storming a castle to save Amity. It's not exactly a one-off thing, but it doesn't fit in with the main plot of Coin Flip Chronicles. Consider it a side story, like something from the Outrealms in Fire Emblem: Awakening.

Talking of Fire Emblem, I've been tempted to do a sort of tactician's journal. Starting from the very beginning of the game, and following the tactician's thoughts and feelings right through until the end and maybe even covering the DLC maps. Sort of like a let's play, but with no way for me to upload decent screenshots... however, I'm sure I can borrow some official artwork.

I'll definitely post something whenever Nintendo offer a new Nintendo Direct, but I don't really have much else planned for this... maybe something will make itself apparent in due course...

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