Wednesday 26 June 2013

A Tactician's Journal 4 - Doing Things the Feroxi Way

Last time, Red arrived in Ylisstol and met with the exalt, Emmeryn. With the threat of the Risen, the Shepherds had been given a mission to march north to Regna Ferox in order to recruit some reinforcements. On the Northroad, the Shepherds encountered some Risen, but they were able to defeat them.

Chapter 3: Warrior Realm
As we continued our march north, we came across a pegasus. Chrom noticed that it had been injured, but it didn't allow him to get close to it. Sumia, however, was able to approach the pegasus, although she did trip over first.
I couldn't believe how quick she calmed the pegasus, and it seemed that everyone else shared those thoughts. Sumia claimed she had a way with animals, which I guess was demonstrated before our very eyes. Sumia told us to go on ahead, while she tended to the pegasus' wounds. Leaving Sumia with the pegasus for the time being, we continued our march north and arrived at the Longfort.

The Longfort stretched along the border of Ylisse and Regna Ferox. By the time we had arrived, snow had started to fall, dropping the temperature quite a bit.
Frederick explained that the khans that rule Ferox had grown weary of foreigners, and that diplomacy would be required when dealing with them. I figured as long as everyone was on their best behaviour, we would have no problems.

Not too long afterwards, the Feroxi Guard started to mobilise. The decision for who to send into combat came down to me, as the tactician of the Shepherds. We had a chance to sort out our supplies before engaging the enemy.

Chrom tried to request an audience with the khans in the name of Ylisse, but the Feroxi guard were not convinced. Even when Frederick mentioned Emmeryn, the Feroxi commander refused us entry. She accused us of being brigands, saying that many people had tried to cross the border claiming to be "Ylisseans".
As a result of this, we ended up settling matters in the Feroxi manner; Chrom would have to prove he was the prince of Ylisse on the battlefield. So much for diplomacy...

Chrom was almost skewered by several javelins, but Sumia arrived on the pegasus we had encountered earlier and carried him out of harm's way. Sumia joined her strength with ours, increasing the Shepherd's might by one pegasus knight.
Here's a funny thing; it turned out we had one more ally with us than we initially thought. He was a knight named Kellam, who had supposedly been with us all along. I never recalled seeing him before our fight at the Longfort, but he was definitely a Shepherd.
Doing things the Feroxi way definitely seemed to suit Chrom better than using diplomacy. We were able to fight our way into the Longfort and defeat the Feroxi commander.
Our victory convinced the Feroxi Guard that Chrom was who he claimed he was. The Feroxi commander apologised to Chrom, and offered to escort us to the Feroxi capital.
With the snow still falling, Lissa suggested we get going, so we did.

Well, I had never expected to be fighting soldiers from Regna Ferox today, I have to admit. When Frederick started talking about diplomacy, I thought Chrom would have to attend another council meeting. Still, if strength speaks louder than words in Regna Ferox, that might work to our advantage, as long as we can keep winning battles.

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