Tuesday 25 June 2013

A Tactician's Journal 3 - Ylisstol

After meeting with a masked swordsman named Marth, and fighting off a group of strange creatures during the previous night, Red and his companions arrive at Ylisstol.

Chapter 2: Shepherds
We arrived at Ylisstol, which was full to the brim with people. I hadn't seen anything like that before.
Fortunately, the creatures we fought last night didn't seem to have touched Ylisstol, and that earthquake hadn't effected the place either.
I also saw the exalt for the first time. Frederick informed me that her name was Emmeryn, and that she was a symbol of peace. She was walking amongst the common people, which I thought was a bit strange for a ruler to do.
Frederick then went on to explain that the Fell Dragon tried to destroy the world at the dawn of the age. The Fell Dragon was stopped when the first exalt joined forces with the Divine Dragon. Emmeryn was the symbol of the peace that the people fought for then.

Turned out that Emmeryn was Lissa and Chrom's older sister. You'd think I would have remembered something like that, if I could recall Chrom's name. All this time, I've been travelling with a prince and princess, and no one bothered to tell me.
Fortunately, Chrom wasn't into formalities, so I didn't have to start calling him Prince Chrom.

Chrom took me to the palace, where we met Emmeryn. Chrom reported that Ylisse was safe for the time being, that the people were safe, and that the borders would need to be watched. One of Emmeryn's attendants, a pegasus knight named Phila, claimed responsibility for not intercepting the bandits we had fought previously.
I was introduced to Emmeryn, and she seemed to be thankful for my help. Of course, Frederick still remained wary of me, accusing me of being either a brigand or a Plegian spy. Luckily, since Chrom had faith in me, Emmeryn did as well.
Emmeryn held a council with Chrom about the creatures sighted all over Ylisse, whilst Lissa took me elsewhere.

Elsewhere turned out to be the Shepherds' garrison. There were a couple of other people in there, whom Lissa introduced me to. The first was a rather high class lass who seemed a little overprotective of Lissa. Her name was Maribelle.
Next to speak was Vaike, who called himself Teach. He didn't seem very quick on the uptake when Lissa insulted him...
The last person in the garrison was Sumia, who seemed to hold a lot of affection for Chrom.
Lissa introduced me to the Shepherds. Vaike seemed all right with me becoming the group's tactician, only challenging me to a belching contest. I just laughed it off, but...
Maribelle didn't seem too pleased with me encouraging Vaike, and took off. Sumia assured me that Maribelle just warmed to people slowly, and Lissa just said to give her some time.

Chrom returned afterwards, which got Sumia excited. She immediately tripped over, something which I'm guessing happened a lot judging by Chrom's reaction. Once Sumia was back on her feet, Chrom told us that we would be marching to Regna Ferox. Sumia explained that Regna Ferox was a unified kingdom to the north of Ylisse, supposedly inhabited by barbarians.
Chrom called them warriors, and that we would need their strength to quell the new menace. The Shepherds would be going since having the exalt leave the capital wouldn't be ideal due to the recent events. Lissa and Vaike volunteered, and someone else made a mention of going as well. Sumia, however, chose to stay behind, claiming not to be ready for a proper mission yet.
Chrom suggested she could stay back and watch the battlefield from a safe distance, but ultimately left the decision up to Sumia.

Just before we could depart to Regna Ferox, the other half of the Shepherd's cavalier duo joined us. His name was Stahl, and he wore green armour. Stahl was late, since Vaike had forgotten to inform him of the mission. Judging from what Lissa said, it seemed that Vaike was prone to forgetting things. She insisted on making sure that Vaike had his axe with him.
It seemed that Stahl was quite unhappy about missing out on breakfast. Chrom officially introduced me, although Stahl didn't seem surprised to see me. Apparently, someone named Miriel had told him that they had been joined by a new Shepherd. Miriel was one of the Shepherd's mages, apparently going to catch up to us soon,

During the march, we encountered more of those creatures. During the council, they had been dubbed "Risen". Still, we had another fight in front of us. One which Vaike wasn't able to join at first, because he had managed to lose his axe.
The Risen had no intention of waiting for us, so we engaged them in combat.

During the battle, Miriel arrived. She was able to locate Vaike's axe, and hand it back to him. She didn't seem to be that surprised that Vaike had managed to misplace his weapon. Also, Miriel's vocabulary was rather extensive; she sounded like she had swallowed a dictionary.
With Vaike's axe returned to him, they were able to join the battle proper. Together, we were able to defeat the Risen.
Having Risen appearing so far up the Northroad did not bode well for us. Still, we continued our march onwards, remaining wary.

Well, today marked the start of my first official mission as a Shepherd. Being made tactician means that I will have the entire group relying on my advice. I just hope I am able to serve them to the best of my abilities. For now, our destination is Regna Ferox. Hopefully Chrom will be able to enlist the aid he needs from there.

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