Sunday 21 April 2013

A New Entry in Coin Flip Chronicles Appeared!

With a little inspiration from Fire Emblem: Awakening, I have developed a new plot for Coin Flip Chronicles. Of course, whether this will become a published work or not... well, who can say. For now, though here's the basic idea of the plot.

As Rin and Amity continue their adventures, they come upon a strange gate. During their stay at night, it emits a bizarre light, leading the pair to go and investigate. Before they set off, bandits who may have arrived from the gate attack the town.
The bandits are defeated, allowing the pair to finally go to the gate and investigate. When they get there, the light appears again. This time, they find a young girl who looks bizarrely like Rin. The girl then claims to be Rin's daughter; an impossibility, considering the relationship she shares with Amity.

Rin quickly learns that the child is being hunted by those from the other side of the gate, who invade her own world. With the enemies claiming that Rin is the Witch Queen and calling for her death and the fate of the young girl's life hanging in the balance, Rin and Amity will be faced with new troubles.

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