Thursday 18 April 2013

Fire Emblem Week: Micaiah

Continuing Fire Emblem week, I will now be taking a look at the Silver-Haired Maiden, Micaiah.
Micaiah, and Yune
Micaiah was first introduced in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, as the leader of the Dawn Brigade. She wields light magic.
After the Mad King's War three years ago, Micaiah's homeland of Daien had been placed under the rule of Begnion. However, the Begnion soldiers abuse their power, which is why Micaiah is leading a band of freedom fighters called the Dawn Brigade.
Micaiah has a strong bond with Sothe; a thief who get ended up working under Ike during the Mad King's War. Sothe is never far from Micaiah's side.
As far as main characters go, Micaiah could be considered to be the worst. Don't get me wrong; she's a solid enough unit. However, as she is a mage, she has next to no defence and falls easily to physical attacks. This is a problem when she has to survive if you don't want to see the game over screen.
Micaiah loves her home of Daien, and will fight for it, even if that isn't the right path. During the events of Radiant Dawn, she comes to realise that her actions aren't the best. Still, she goes ahead with them, due to unforeseen forces manipulating her.

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