Sunday 21 April 2013

Fire Emblem: Awakening is Ace!

Well, I've been somewhat distracted lately. I'm pretty sure you can guess by what from the title. Still, I'll clarify it here; the Nintendo 3DS game Fire Emblem: Awakening is possibly the best Fire Emblem game yet.
Admittedly I haven't finished it quite yet, but I've loved every last minute of it I have played.

I'm also glad to see that after their absence in Radiant Dawn and Shadow Dragon, the support conversations have returned. Just another little feature to help get you further attached to the characters you're commanding. Of course, if you can get the support level between a male and female unit high enough, they'll get married and have children who will join your cause.

So naturally, I (that is Rory, the avatar I created for me in the game), married Nowi, a manakete. What's a manakete, I hear nobody ask. Well, a manakete is someone who uses the power of Dragonstones to transform into a dragon. Anyway, thanks to some higher power, I was also able to recruit my daughters; Morgan and Nah.
Morgan looks practically identical to Nowi, only with shorter hair. She aspires to become a great tactician like her father. Nah, however, inherited my hair colour. She takes everything seriously, which is something that she finds troubling about her mother.
Anyway, with Nowi, Morgan, Nah and I one the field, no enemy should ever consider laying a finger upon my happy little family.

Yeah, so Fire Emblem: Awakening is damn good. If you have a 3DS, get it. If you don't have a 3DS, get one and this game. Then afterwards, go and experience all the other Fire Emblem games.

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