Wednesday 17 April 2013

Fire Emblem Week: Ike

Continuing Fire Emblem week, I will be taking a look at the main character of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Ike.
Ike, as he appeared in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Ike is a character that very much breaks one of Fire Emblem's traditions. Admittedly, he does possess blue hair, but he isn't of noble birth. Instead, he is the son of Greil, the leader of a troupe of mercenaries.
Ike's homeland is Crimea, on the continent of Tellius. In Tellius, alongside the beorc (humans), there are laguz. Laguz are able to shift into animal form.
There's a long history of what is effectively racism between the beorc and laguz, yet Ike just thinks of everyone as people. Due to this, he is well-liked by beorc and laguz alike.
Ike has a huge appetite, and is fond of meat and spicy foods.
Ike ends up fighting against Mad King Ashnard, under the hire of the princess of Crimea, Elincia. After the war is won, Ike goes back to being a mercenary.
Three years later, the events of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn take place. The nobility of Crimea are displeased with Elincia's rule, and an uprising starts. Before things are allowed to get too out of hand, the Greil Mercenaries appear, led by Ike.
Ike is also playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, alongside Marth. During the Subspace Emissary mode, Ike teams up with Marth and Meta Knight to battle the subspace forces.

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