Sunday 28 April 2013

The Mythology Behind Coin Flip Chronicles

I thought I'd go over some of the myths and legends from the world of Coin Flip Chronicles. So, yeah, let's get down to it.

One of the most common legends referred to throughout the series is the Witch Queen. She was a powerful woman who had flawless control of magic. Also, the magic changed her hair colour to purple, which was passed down through her family.
The Witch Queen performed many feats during her time; the first of which was gaining the trust of the divided kingdoms of the land. The kingdoms had constantly been at war with each other, always seeming to find the smallest excuse to invade each other. Of course, many people had grown tired of the constant fighting, but they didn't have the power to overthrow those who forced the fighting.
At this point, the Witch Queen did not have such a title, and magic was a little more believable during that time. Still, she had often found herself outcast due to her hair colour, a problem that continued down the generations.

Regardless, the young Witch Queen did not allow that to get to her. Instead, she earned the love of the people by fighting against those who were oppressing them. Due to her powerful magic, she was able to bring a temporary peace to the land whilst she lived. She also rose to the position of queen, hence the title she gained.

Another legend that will be mentioned throughout the series is that of the Demon Slayer. This one revolves around the katana Rin carries. It is said that a demon once invaded the land, and was slaughtering the populace. Hero after hero attempted to slay the monster, but they all met their ends at its hand.
One man, however, caught wind of this demon. Instead of rushing out to try and claim glory, he researched ancient texts that concerned similar beings. He could not find a surefire way to kill the demon, but he did discover a method that could be able to seal it.

Working quickly, but carefully, the man forged a katana; the only one of its kind in all the world. He followed the forging techniques from the ancient texts as best he could, but just produced an ordinary blade. Admittedly, it was an absurdly sharp ordinary blade, but it didn't seem to have any demon slaying properties.

With the people becoming even more fearful of the demon, the man set out and confronted it. The creature had monstrous strength, but the man was able to keep up with it. Eventually, he was able to strike a mortal blow. To the people, it had seemed that the man had slain the demon.

The man died a few years later, without a family. His sword was enshrined in a temple to be kept under a close watch; those were his last words. However, the sword become an object of desire, and it was lost when thieves ransacked the temple.

It turned up many decades later, where it found its way into the hands of Rin's father. He could feel the darkness within the katana, but was confident that he could control it. However, he never truly got to test it out before being slain by a mysterious silhouette; he was only able to pass it down to Rin.

As with many myths and legends, there are a great many tales concerning the Witch Queen and the Demon Slayer. However, those are not the only fables from the world of Coin Flip Chronicles, and I may get around to writing them all one day.
First, however, I will be focusing on Rin's journey.

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