Friday 26 April 2013

Just some Wii U stuff

Wii U's Virtual Console will be made available tomorrow (27/4/2013), the day after the update to decrease loading times (well, for Europe, anyway. As far as I know, both Japan and the US already have this).

The launch line up for the EU Virtual Console looks something like this:
  • Super Mario World
  • Excitebike
  • Mario's Super Picross
  • F-Zero
  • Ice Climber
  • Donkey Kong Jr.
  • Punch-Out!!
 I already have Mario's Super Picross, and I'm not sure whether I'll pay the extra bit for the added Miiverse functionality. However, I have yet to download Super Mario World, so that may just happen.

With the news of Earthbound getting a worldwide Virtual Console release, I'm hoping we'll see some of the older Fire Emblem games that were available on the NES and SNES and never made it outside of Japan.

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