Monday 15 April 2013

Coin Flip Chronicles Characters #2: Amity

Ah, another quick sketch
Amity is the second protagonist of the Coin Flip Chronicles series. She meets Rin in her hometown, and after the two experience their first adventure together, she decides to travel with Rin.
Amity is particularly skilled at first aid. Unfortunately, this is a skill she is unable to practice when she's at home, since her abusive father insists that she carries out a man's work.
It isn't until she travels with Rin that Amity is able to improve upon her medical skills. As Rin tends to get into a lot of fights, Amity often finds her hands full.
Rin's way of making decisions is something that Amity is completely against. She believes choices should be made after considering the consequences of each, but Rin doesn't listen. Regardless, Amity finds herself going along with Rin anyway.
Amity is very much a kindhearted person, and she develops a relationship with Rin that goes beyond that of friendship.

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