Tuesday 16 April 2013

Touhou Character #2: Marisa Kirisame

The next character I will be introducing from the Touhou series is the second protagonist. More often than not, when Reimu is there, you will find the Ordinary Magician, Marisa Kirisame, not far behind.
The Ordinary Magician, Marisa Kirisame
Marisa Kirisame is a human, just like Reimu. However, she is skilled in the art of magic, and several youkai have commented how she is more youkai-like in nature than human. With her Mini-Hakkero, she is able to cast her trademark spell: Love Sign: Master Spark. The instructions for doing so are simple;
  1. Concentrate your mind
  2. Mutter your spell to the Mini-Hakkero tenderly
  3. Aim at someone you don't like...
  4. Now unleash your annihilation of love!
As well as being good at magic, Marisa is quite the thief as well. If she shows up somewhere, the reason is probably to take everything that isn't nailed down. She has 'borrowed' many books from the library of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, which she swears to return once she's dead.
Marisa's title of Ordinary Magician is well founded. Aside from the magic, she is naught more than an normal human. Despite this, she can keep up with Reimu when it comes to fighting the various beings that make their home in Gensokyo.

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