Monday 15 April 2013

Introduction to Coin Flip Chronicles

Here's the main point of starting this blog. Coin Flip Chronicles is a series of novels I intend to write. I have about one fully completed, and a couple of others underway. This will be an introduction to the world within Coin Flip Chronicles.
Coin Flip Chronicles will be a series of fantasy novels, following the adventures of a young woman named Rin. She travels with her closest friend, Amity, in order to find out more about her heritage. Naturally, they will encounter the various things you would expect from a fantasy novel: fantastical creatures, strange powers and plenty of sword fights.
Rin and Amity were characters I came up with a couple of years ago, and during that I have developed their characters and relationship during that time.
As this is a simple introduction, I will be posting about the other characters separately, whilst trying not to give too much away about the plots of the things I have written.

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