Saturday 6 July 2013

A Tactician's Journal 11 - Let Me See You Grit Those Teeth!

After an encounter with Plegian forces in the mountains, Red and the Shepherds resume their journey to Regna Ferox for reinforcements.

We returned to Arena Ferox, where a conversation involving Chrom, Lissa, Sumia and I started. Lissa was worried about Emmeryn, as she was back in Ylisstol. However, Chrom had nothing to say to her, since he seemed to be distracted.
Apparently Sumia had an answer for that... she punched him. Right in the face, right in front of us, oh, and Flavia arrived to witness it as well. I could barely contain myself, especially after Sumia revealed she had meant to slap Chrom out of his funk.
Flavia found it quite funny, however. She then revealed that the Feroxi army had finally mobilised, eager to fight, as was she. Chrom was surprised to discover that Flavia would be going along too. We also had the pleasure of the company of her "insignificant other", Basilio.

We met with Basilio, and he told us that his scouts had dark news. Ylisstol had fallen. Emmeryn was captured by the Plegians, who then retreated back across their lines. To make things even worse, Gangrel had declared that Emmeryn would be executed within the next month.
Lissa fainted when she heard that. Fortunately, I was there to catch her. Still, despite Lissa's unconsciousness, Flavia and I both knew that Gangrel was obviously trying to lure Chrom into a trap. However, Chrom insisted the Shepherds march to Plegia, even though Basilio was trying to suggest that we weight our options.
Although Basilio agreed that was one option, both he and Flavia insisted on thinking things through. On that point, I was in agreement. Although, I would have to be the one to come up with the plan, being the Shepherd's tactician. However, I would have never agreed to the role if I didn't think I could manage it. Both Flavia and Basilio seemed to respect my resolve.

However, before that, there was the small matter of the Peaceful Village to the east. For some reason, apparently there was plenty of time for this distraction, you know, despite the fact that Emmeryn's life was hanging in the balance...

Side Story 3: A Strangled Peace
So naturally one would expect a place known as the Peaceful Village to you know, be peaceful... Nope, not this one. There were Risen there. Naturally, as the Shepherds. we took it upon ourselves to aid the people.
And our aid would be required, since a few villagers had been locked out the safety of a village. Supposedly the townsfolk of the village were renowned for their hospitality, but they weren't exactly allowing the Woodham villagers refuge...
However, first things first. The Shepherds had another battle ahead of them.

Aside from the Risen, we also had to worry about the villagers. They insisted on running straight into the arms of the enemy, forcing Lissa to use her Rescue Staff in order to keep them out of harm's way. Whilst Lissa concentrated on that, the rest of us Shepherds dispatched the Risen.

We managed to shepherd (ha!) the world's most suicidal villagers to safety, keeping them unharmed... well, I suppose alive would be a more accurate description. The villagers were grateful for our aid, and provided us gift.
Chrom suspected the Peaceful Village would keep its gates closed, since they viewed the Risen as someone else's problem. Frederick then mentioned that he would not enjoy an uneasy peace behinda barricade, and I can see where he's coming from.
As for our rewards, we received a Seraph Robe, a Log and a Ladle. One of those was a little more useful than the others, but I suppose those villagers really didn't have much.

Ah, another day, another distraction. Even though we should have focused on going to save Emmeryn from Gangrel, we ended up fighting Risen in an area known as the Peaceful Village... Yet somehow, I get the feeling that our choice for that diversion will not have any great effect whatever the outcome of our upcoming battle with the Plegians will be anyway...

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