Thursday 4 July 2013

A Tactician's Journal 9 - A Battle in the Night

Previously, Red and the Shepherds helped the merchant Anna defend a village from a group of bandits. Now, that had very little connection with protecting Ylisse, but this is where the story returns to that plot.

Chapter 6: Foreseer
First off, just let me mention the reason that I thought Anna looked familiar. It turns out she has a bunch of identical sisters in the exact same trade, and we had bought weapons and supplies from then on the odd occasion. Anyway, I figured I'd just record that in my journal.

During the night, I found Chrom sighing to himself whilst we were staying at Ylisstol. He revealed that Gangrel's words were true; Chrom's father was a tyrant who caused the Plegians suffering. I suppose this revealed why Plegia didn't get on with Ylisse, but Chrom's father had perished 15 years prior.
Emmeryn became the next exalt at the age of nine, taking on all of the blame for the suffering from everyone. Not even Chrom was sure how she could cope with it, but somehow she had managed to become a source of pride for any Ylissean. Emmeryn was responsible for ending the war her father started.
Of course, Mad King Gangrel still despised the Ylissean, with Chrom telling me that he would even kill Gangrel if necessary just to keep the peace.
At this point in our conversation, Marth reappeared. Apparently Marth knew of a entrance into the castle that was created when Chrom broke a wall whilst training the Shepherds. Marth then revealed that he had a warning for Chrom: Emmeryn was in danger.
Marth went on to claim that he had seen the future, and then offered us proof that he was not lying. Marth drew his sword, and cut down an enemy who had hidden in the bushes. However, there was second foe who cut Math's mask, revealing that he was actually she.
We didn't have time to talk any more, as we heard a commotion inside the castle. We immediately took off.

The enemy had managed to infiltrate the castle, but we were able to get there before any harm could befall Emmeryn. Among the enemy was a thief who had no interest in taking Emmeryn's life; he was there solely for loot.
Emmeryn told Chrom to take Lissa and flee, but her request went unanswered. Instead, Chrom rallied the Shpeherds in order to defend his sister. The now unmasked Marth stood guard over the door that led to Emmeryn, with Falchion gleaming for some unknown reason.
Our mission was simple: wipe out the enemy without letting any get close to Emmeryn. This was made easier by the arrival of a new ally. Panne was her name, and she was a taguel; a human who transformed into a large rabbit-like creature in order to fight. Marth assured us that she was an ally when she appeared.
In addition to Panne, Chrom also managed to enlist the aid of the thief, Gaius. He done this by offering him sweets, since it seemed that Gaius had quite the sweet tooth. As a thief, Gaius could offer his skills by picking locks and opening treasure chests.
As for the enemy, their forces consisted mainly of dark mages, barbarians, thieves and cavaliers. Of course, the diversity of the Shepherds allowed each enemy to be effectively countered. Actually, the enemy's commander seemed to be a familiar face, although I can't quite put my finger on why. He was a sorcerer by the name of Validar.
However, Chrom, Sumia and myself were able to defeat him in the end, thus preventing the assassination attempt on Emmeryn. Phila felt that she had failed in her duty, but Chrom was fair in pointing out that she couldn't have predicted the attack. However, there was one person who could: Marth. Marth, who had vanished after the battle. She seemed to have grown quite adept at slipping away unnoticed.

This time, however, Chrom found her before she could depart Ylisstol. He offered a reward to her for saving Lissa and Emmeryn's lives, but she turned it down. According to Marth, if she hadn't shown up, Emmeryn would have been assassinated and the Fire Emblem would have been stolen, leading to a great war and the end of mankind itself.
Marth departed after talking with Chrom.

Actually, whilst Chrom was talking to Marth, the taguel Panne had sought an audience with Emmeryn. Apparently Panne's warren owed a debt to Emmeryn, hence her showing up when she did. Also, Panne was the last of her kind, the others hunted into extinction by humans.
Panne had the idea that all humans were the same, since it was humans responsible for slaughtering her people. It seemed quite odd to say that when she was talking to Emmeryn, who people probably considered the absolute pinnacle of humanity. Emmeryn even apologised for the human's behaviour, even though she was not involved. Phila objected, but Emmeryn remained resolute. I can see why she was so loved by the Ylisseans.
Fortunately, Emmeryn's words were enough to gain Panne's trust.

Phila would be investigating the assassination plot, although Chrom had a hunch: Plegia was responsible. He suggested sending Emmeryn to Regna Ferox where she would be safe, but Emmeryn would not depart from her people with war at their borders.
Frederick suggested Emmeryn relocate to the eastern palace, allowing her to stay in Ylisse whilst remaining a bit safer. Emmeryn agreed to that proposal. Chrom said the Shepherds would escort her to the fortress before heading north of the border.

Well, this war with Plegia means that us Shepherds will have plenty to do, although very little time to rest if we have to endure more night-time attacks. Also, the enemy's commander, Validar... I get the feeling he recognised me...
Regardless, the Shepherd's duty is now to protect Emmeryn, at least until she gets to the eastern palace. Plegia's forces seem to be growing stronger, but so do we. With new allies joining us as well, I believe we will be able to bring this conflict with Plegia to an end before too many people are affected by war.

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