Wednesday 10 July 2013

A Tactician's Journal 14 - Recruiting a Certain Red-Haired Merchant

Last time, Red and the Shepherds... oh, wait, that's irrelevant. This time it is another side story, so whatever their situation previously doesn't matter.

Side Story 4: Anna the Merchant

Last I checked we were fleeing from the Plegians, after tragic events. Now, we appear to be at The Twins' Hideout, helping out Anna. Not the same Anna who helped us defend a village earlier, no.
Anyway, our foes were mostly bandits, with a few archers and mages thrown in for good measure. There were several treasure chests scattered around, so I made sure that Gaius would being using his skills.
Our newest ally, Tharja, explicitly insisted on joining us. I allowed it, and then she remained at side throughout the entire affair. Something about her is... mildly disturbing, to say the least, but I having her on my side is better than having her trying to hex me.

Talking of having allies fight side-by-side, there were a few new bonds forming amongst the Shepherds. Gaius seemed to be fighting beside Sully, and Donnel and Nowi had become quite friendly. I'm sure other bonds were being formed amongst the other members of the Shepherds as well, considering the number of battles we had fought in together.

Although the merchant had told us that Anna was being in need of help, she seemed fairly competent in fighting off the bandits. If anything, it was their sheer number that would spell trouble for her, not their strength. Of course, as the Shepherds had arrived to help, we were able to get rid of a few.

Also included amongst our foes were a couple of thieves, who naturally had their eyes on the treasure chests dotted around the area. Tharja and I pursued them, taking out anyone in our way. Any given treasure chest is naturally property of the Shepherds, and I refuse to tolerate being stolen from!

With the enemies surrounding Anna gone, she was able to help us Shepherds out with the use of her Heal staff. Chrom spoke to her once he was close enough. Anna decided to join us as thanks for rescuing her (not that she really needed it...)

After recruiting Anna, it was a simple case of mopping up the rest of the bandits, and opening the rest of the treasure chests. As for the enemy commander, he was a berserker by the name of Vincent. He wielded a Short Axe, allowing long-ranged attacks, but mine and Tharja's magic quickly saw him off. After finishing up the battle, Anna had a chance to talk to us properly.

Anna introduced herself to us, and after Chrom recalled the previous Anna, she revealed that the one we helped last time was one of her sisters. Apparently Anna and Anna were part of a group of sisters who all looked identical, were travelling merchants and had the same name. Anna officially joined the Shepherds after learning that we had helped out one of her sisters.

After leaving the battlefield, I noticed a presence following me. It was Tharja, who admitted to doing so. Apparently, she had fallen in love with me, therefore that was the reason she was stalking me. Seriously stalking me... she had details on every little movement I made, and watched me when I slept.
Tharja's offer to take care of me when I told her I fell ill did not help things. Tharja seemed quite surprised when I said those words would be more reassuring from a normal friend. She then rushed off, no doubt with some other disturbing scheme in mind...

Well, we gained a new ally today, but it felt like we had something more pressing to deal with...

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