Thursday 11 July 2013

A Tactician's Journal 15 - A Reluctant Battle

Before Red and the Shepherds got tangled up in aiding Anna, they were fleeing from the Plegian army. The plot returns to that time. Considering the events that have happened previously and are happening, there will be spoilers.

Chapter 10: Renewal
Basilio's escape route led us to the Midmire. Chrom wasn't exactly with us as we ran, and I had to try and snap him out of it. Unfortunately, our escape wasn't quite complete, and the Plegians were waiting for us. We were left with no choice but to fight our way through so we could escape.

As we started the battle, the enemy's commander, Mustafa, asked for our surrender. He was willing to allow us to live if we did so. Mustafa said that Emmeryn wouldn't have wanted it to come to bloodshed, but speaking her name only angered Chrom.
Mustafa was accepting of Chrom's anger, and that he had seen the meaning of Emmeryn's sacrifice, as many other Plegians no doubt had done. If we were to lay down our weapons, Mustafa offered to protect us. Frederick spoke for the Shepherds; we would take our chances with weapons in hand.

Amongst our enemies were several thieves who were carrying different pieces of treasure. When we defeated them, we were able to claim those treasures for the Shepherds' future use. Our other enemies consisted of bandits, soldiers and wyvern riders. Flying units were favoured by the terrain, but since wyvern riders were weak to arrows and magic, we were able to level the playing field.

This battle was one that nobody wanted to fight. With her sacrifice, Emmeryn had shown that bloodshed was not necessary. Even the enemy soldiers were feeling it. However, the battle was necessary, even if no one actually wanted it. We couldn't think about our foe's motivations, and they couldn't think of ours. We needed to cut each other down, since it would be the only way for us to survive.

As both sides refused to back down, we ended up having to deal with enemy reinforcements. Wyvern riders departed from the forts located on the higher ground, descending upon us. Fortunately, we were able to anticipate their arrival and counter accordingly with magic.

Finally, we came face-to-face with Mustafa. He was a berserker, and his weapon of choice was a short axe. He wasn't too keen of moving from the fort he was stationed in, so we had to approach him. Although he had decent intentions, we had no other choice but to defeat him. Maybe under different circumstances he would have allied with us, but that wasn't the case this time.

After Mustafa was defeated, a rose-haired dancer girl named Olivia appeared before us. She spoke to Basilio, and then he introduced her to us. She would be the one responsible for our escape. We all piled into her caravan as quickly as we could, and fled the scene, back to Castle Ferox.

That battle was possibly one of the worst experiences the Shepherds will ever have. Our foes were decent enough, yet we had to cut them down mercilessly, and everyone's still reeling from the loss of Emmeryn. However, there are bonds forming amongst the Shepherds... one of the most prominent being Tharja and I. She never seems to be too far from me, and is probably watching me as I write this.
Still, Mad King Gangrel has to pay for what has happened. I imagine Chrom will want to march into battle with him again, and I will accompany him and offer my best advice as the Shepherd's tactician.

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