Thursday 18 July 2013

A Tactician's Journal 19 - The Inevitable Boat Chapter

Last time, Red and the Shepherds had a few revelations. That's about as much detail as I can put without spoiling anything, so let's just focus on what happens to them today.
Oh, and yeah, lots of spoilers still to be found, so be wary of that.

Lucina revealed why the future that she had come from was such a terrible time; the Fell Dragon Grima had been resurrected. She then revealed that all the Shepherds had died in the future she had come from, which was quite a shock to me... and everyone else who had gathered there.
Had it been a normal person telling us this, there would have been doubt. However, Lucina was carrying Falchion, the very same one that Chrom had. Lucina's Falchion was all that Chrom had left for Lucina in the future.
Due to the evidence, both Chrom and Lissa were willing to believe Lucina's tale. Lucina then explained how she had come back from the future; Naga, the Divine Dragon, had prepared a ritual that allowed someone to return to the past and alter events that had already happened.
It seemed that Lucina had been accompanied by others on her journey into the past, but had somehow become separated from them. Lissa gave voice to what everyone there was thinking; we would find her companions, if they were out there.

Sumia seemed to be having a hard time processing events, although she was able to compliment Lucina on how strong and beautiful she grew up to become. Lucina referred to Sumia by name, but Sumia assured her that she could call her mother. The two shared a mother-daughter moment, and then everyone started their preparations for setting out.

After talking to Tharja last time, I was slightly worried she wouldn't go back to her normal self. Fortunately, she did, but as I was thinking that, I must have come down with a fever.
When I came round, I found myself lying down with Tharja standing over me. I admitted to working too hard, but Tharja thought I would have accused her of putting a curse on me. However, I knew that Tharja wouldn't do that to a friend. I thanked her for taking care of me.
Tharja recalled the time I mentioned that I didn't want her looking after me, but I told her she had proven me wrong. She thought I was just being courteous, but I told her I'd have no problem with her staying at my side for a while.
I don't remember much after that, probably because I feel asleep. I'd be able to trust Tharja near me when I'm completely defenceless, right?

Apparently Donnel proposed to Nowi whilst I was sleeping, and she accepted. I hope those two have a happy life together after the war, although Nowi is guaranteed to live a lot longer than Donnel will...

Chapter 14: Flames on the Blue

With the ships we had acquired from Plegia, we set off from Port Ferox across the Searoad. Sailing over the ocean waves made it seem like all our troubles were a lifetime away, even if we were headed straight for them.
Neither Chrom nor Lucina had ever sailed before. Chrom never really had any reason to do so, but Lucina's reason was far more tragic. In her time, all the ships and ports had been destroyed.
Chrom asked why Lucina hadn't stayed in Ylisse after stopping Emmeryn's assassination, and she replied that she felt she had no other choice. She was trying to avoid altering history any more than necessary.
Lissa asked what would have happened if Lucina hadn't saved him; Chrom would've been gravely wounded, and those wounds would have played a part in the tragedies to come.
Lucina had started to doubt that she had actually changed anything, as Emmeryn had still been killed, just later than Lucina had seen it. Lucina questioned whether she should have done something differently, but Chrom reassured her that she had done her best, and that he had been saved.
Apparently Chrom was killed in a great battle, betrayed by someone close to him. The conversation stopped there when I felt a pain in my head, but I brushed it off.
Going back to the conversation, it was after Chrom's murder that Lucina took on the name of Marth and started to fight back. She would pray to him for strength. Now, however, Lucina would fight as herself. Her name would be a reminder of the strength of the man and woman who chose it for her.

We received word from Frederick that the pegasus knights had sighted the Valmese fleet. We were matched ship for ship, but they had a greater number of troops. At best, our ships were only half-full. A straight fight was something we wanted to avoid, but it would be necessary.
Flavia told us that though Plegia had not given us any soldiers, they had been generous with their supplies. She mentioned oil, and dropped a hint about a clever tactician using that.
Flavia wanted to put their ships to flame, but Basilio objected to that, since that would risk our fleet as well. If we had catapults, that would be a viable strategy.
What we needed was a way to get lit oil on the enemy ships without getting our own ships caught in the blaze. Although, I considered the possibility of actually wanting to ignite our ships. Basilio started to question the idea, but then he though better of it.
I had developed a plan, but we wouldn't be able to pull it off without disrupting the enemy's chain of command. Naturally, that would require our strongest team boarding the enemy's lead ship and killing their general. I tried to prevent Chrom from leading that attack, but he insisted on it.
Chrom made a comment about how much had changed since he had found me unconscious in a field, and how destiny had a strange way. It wasn't destiny however; we're not pawns of some scripted fate. My belief is that we are much more than that.
Chrom didn't get what I was talking about, so I elaborated further; there was invisible ties, connecting us. They gave us strength, as we were the ones who forged the ties and strengthened them. The way those ties end up would be our choices, not destiny.
After that, we discussed my strategy and made preparations for battle.

We went into battle, with our single ship immediately surrounded by three of theirs. We had enemies to the west, south and east. The south and east ships were carrying treasure chests on them, so I ensured that Gaius was with us so he could loot them.
I had Nowi and Donnel start the attack to the west, Cherche and Virion to the south and Tharja and I to the east. The majority of the enemies on the ships were knights; use magic users had an easier time taking them down then those who relied on physical strength. In addition to the knights, there were also some cavalry on the boats, and enemy pegasus knights attacking us from the air.
However, our strategy was mostly a case of allowing the enemy to come to us, so we could slowly reduce their numbers. As ever, Lissa was on healing duty, when she wasn't backing Vaike's attack up.
Nowi was proving to be a fearsome opponent, even without Donnel at her side. A lot of the enemies that attacked her were counterattacked and defeated.
An enemy general stood on the south ship, requiring the use of both Lissa's magic and Vaike's hammer to take him out. Once he was gone, Gaius was free to swoop in and unlock the chest. I was fighting the enemies on the eastern ship with Tharja, managing to pick up a chest key along the way. Naturally, I made use of it to open one of the chests on the same boat. The treasure I found as a medium-sized bullion, which would sell for an all right amount of gold.
The lone chest on the southern ship contained a Second Seal. With Gaius focusing on opening the other chest, the rest of us advanced on the western ship, where General Ignatius was waiting for us. First, however, there was the obstacle of a great knight. A cavalry unit covered with thick armour, physical attacks didn't do too much to harm him. Although magical attacks would have been ideal, all us magic users weren't within range to hit him. Fortunately, Nowi was on hand to weaken the great knight, allowing Chrom to finish him off with his rapier.
The enemy received reinforcements in the form of pegasus knights, flying over the ocean waves and targeting our team. Pegasus knights weren't the most sturdy units, and even our magic users were able to give them a run for their money. When the pegasus knights were defeated, we were able to focus on fighting Ignatius.
He wielded a spear, able to attack and counter from a distance. Still, this meant nothing when everyone attacked him together.
With backup from Tharja, I was the one who struck the killing blow, bringing the battle aboard the ship to an end.

With the enemy general fallen, Chrom gave the signal for my plan to be carried out. We had half of our ships charge directly at the enemy. Just before we made impact, we jumped from our ships, which were ablaze.
It looked as if the sea itself was ablaze, as the enemy ships burned. Despite using half of our vessels as flaming cannonballs, we had claimed victory.
We even had enough room for all our troops to sail on the remaining ships.
However, even though we had achieved victory, there was still the war with Valm. Chrom intended us to move on as quickly as possible in order to seize control of their main harbour. We left the fiery wreckage behind us, and continued sailing to Valm.

Our campaign against Valm had started with a success, but there's no telling what would be waiting for us when we arrive on the continent. Still, I intend to continue loyally serving Chrom, coming up with strategies that guarantee to secure us many victories.
As we draw closer to Valm, we draw ever closer to meeting with Walhart in battle. If the rumours are to be believed, he will prove to be a fearsome foe.

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