Tuesday 2 July 2013

A Tactician's Journal 8 - Another Distraction

Red and the Shepherds fought against the Plegians after they had captured Maribelle, and won her freedom. With this, Plegia had declared war on Ylisse. However, the Shepherds' next destination doesn't quite relate to protecting Ylisse...

Side Story 2: The Secret Seller
Well, apparently this time we're marching up north again. However, we passed the Longfort and arrived in an area known as the Twins' Turf. I have no idea how this is supposed to help Ylisse, but I guess more battle experience isn't something that should be sniffed at.
We came upon a merchant treating a soldier's wounds, and he told us that bandits had blocked the road, and demanding extortionate tolls from anyone who tried to pass. Frederick recommended we secured the flow of goods, in order to prevent the people from starving. Naturally, Chrom agreed.

A village stood to the north, which the bandits had decided to target. Fortunately, a merchant by the name of Anna was defending it, so that gave us Shepherds an opportunity to get up there before they could do too much damage. We fought our way to the north, to join our forces with Anna.
Since the bandits were aiming for the village, we fought them off there. I had Sumia go on ahead to warn the villagers of the impending danger. Before she could arrive at the village, Anna was fighting off the bandits who were specifically targeting the village and ignoring our forces.
Anna came under attack from several archers, but she focused upon the barbarians whilst dodging their arrows. We arrived in time to wipe out the archers and secure the village.
The village elder gave us a physic staff, which could be used to heal allies from a distance. Of course, only Lissa or Maribelle would get any use out of it for the time being.
Once the threat of the barbarians had been wiped out, Anna helped us out by healing our wounded. Shortly afterwards, the enemy's leader approached us. He was a berserker named Victor, and he was wielding a short axe. However, we were able to work together to defeat him and secure the merchant's route.

After the battle, Anna officially introduced herself and told us that she was known to some as the Secret Seller. She offered to make us a deal next time we met her, which I guess was nice.We departed after that, our focus returning to the beginning of the war between Ylisse and Plegia.

I'm not sure where Chrom keeps finding these distractions, but you would think that Ylisse would be a priority... well, I suppose if we hadn't secured that route, the people would have starved, but still...
Actually, whilst I'm here, I should mention that Anna seemed somewhat familiar. I can't be sure where exactly, but I know I've definitely seen her before. Maybe I'll know once my memories have recovered.

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