Monday 8 July 2013

A Tactician's Journal 12 - A Manakete and a Mercenary in the Desert

Red and the Shepherds undertook another side quest previously, but now they return to the mission at hand. It's only fairly important, so you can see why there were able to take time out to fight Risen... ¬.¬

Chapter 8: The Grimleal
Getting back on track after yet another diversion involving a village being attacked, we Shepherds found ourselves in a desert. One would have expected to see the Plegian forces during our travels, but we had no such honour. Just as Chrom was saying how Gangrel seemed to be in no hurry to spring a trap, Frederick told us about a fight happening downfield.
Chrom ordered us into battle, although the desert sands would prove to be troublesome for anyone who wasn't a mage or a flier. Keeping that in mind, it fell to me to discuss our strategy for taking on the foe.

As we arrived on the scene, we saw what appeared to be a young green-haired girl being pursued by an older man. The girl seemed to be somewhat irritated. Chrom confronted the man, who identified himself as Gregor. He tried to explain himself, but Lissa just called him a creep. Before Gregor could say much, the enemy was upon him and the girl.
It seemed that Gregor wasn't actually affiliated with the enemy, but Chrom was determined to protect the girl, whose name was Nowi.
Another factor we had to consider was the three villages scattered around the battlefield. I would need to send someone to warn the villagers so no innocents would get caught up in our fight. Aside from the few enemy dark mages, our foes were also slowed down by the sand, which was fortunate for us.
Nowi had a surprise for us; when the enemy approached her, she transformed into a dragon. Chrom explained that she was a manakete, and would be a good ally to have on our side.
Talking of new allies, the mercenary Gregor wasn't exactly a slouch when it came to battle, either. With those two adding their strength to ours, our enemies quickly fell before us.
As a thanks for warning them, the villagers offered us a few gifts; a Rescue staff, a Second Seal and a Master Seal. Supposedly a Second Seal could provide someone experienced enough with a new life, whilst the Master Seal would allow one with sufficient experience to become even stronger.
With the villages warned, we turned our attention to the enemy commander. Chalard was his name, and he was a dark mage in possession of a Nosferatu tome, which would allow him to absorb someone's life in order to restore his own. Bearing this in mind, I had everyone attack together in order to overwhelm him. Chalard was defeated thanks to the team effort.

Nowi was upset by the way her day had turned out, and Gregor tried to console her. She quickly brightened up when Gregor told her all the evil people were dead people, and thanked him. She even apologised for the way she had acted earlier.
Chrom asked Gregor to look after Nowi, as we really had to focus on getting to Plegia to save Emmeryn. However, Gregor suggested that Chrom hire him. Chrom agreed.
Nowi interjected, revealing that she had been sold as a slave. Lissa was disgusted at this, wondering who could even consider buying and selling a little girl. Frederick revealed that Nowi was actually much older than any one of us who was there, as manaketes were very long-lived. Nowi revealed that she was more than one thousand years old.

Frederick wasn't surprised that the Grimleal were after Nowi. When I asked about the Grimleal, Frederick revealed that they were followers of the Fell Dragon, Grima. Grima was the very dragon that the first exalt defeated a thousand years ago, yet there were people who would see the fiend return.
Flavia suggested we get some rest, since we were almost to the Plegian capital. Of course, we would all need to be at full strength for our upcoming battle, so there were no objections.

Every step we take is one step closer to Plegia's capital. I have no doubt that Gangrel will be waiting for us there. Regardless of whether he shows up or not, it is our priority to rescue Emmeryn. No matter what enemy stands before him, I have no doubt that Chrom will not hesitate to cut them down; in fact, I'm sure the feeling is mutual for all the Shepherds.

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