Friday 5 July 2013

First Impressions: Chronicles of the Going Home Club & Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C3

So, I've officially joined in with the new season of anime, and I'll start by giving my first impressions of the first two anime series on my previous list.

The first I watched was Chronicles of the Going Home Club (despite that one being second on my list), which I may have got the premise of slightly wrong. Anyway, it turns out that the going-home club is an actual club, and the main character, Natsuki, ends up joining after saying she wouldn't bother joining a club (i.e. not partaking in a club activity after school in Japan is referred to as the going home club).
Anyway, there are three characters already in the club. One fights bears, another is a rich girl and the third is the heir of her grandmother's sewing needles (a normal person). There was humour in this anime, and it seems a girl joining a club that actually doesn't do much of anything seems to be a successful formula. So, yeah, I found the first episode entertaining, or rather the first episode that consisted of several shorts, sort of similar to Azumanga Daioh, I think.

Next was Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C3. A shy girl by the name of Yura joins a prestigious school and discovers her roommate keeps a gun under her pillow, as well as loads of action movies. It turns out that there is a club that uses airsoft weapons for mock battles. Yura ends up joining in on a mock battle just to see what it's like, and I imagine she becomes a permanent member in the following episode.
Maybe because it has Gainax's name attached to it, but I'm expecting good things from this one. The first episode was enjoyable enough, and I look forward to the girls' future mock battles. Also, I really like Yura as a character, probably because that being shy thing resonates with me somewhat.

So, in conclusion, what I've seen of this new anime season so far has been enjoyable. It's probably because they're both relatively light-hearted, with nothing too heavy going on. Sometimes its nice to just switch off, you know?

As a final note, it's pretty funny to see the comments floating around on the internet where people are claiming these shows are meant for girls. Apparently some people aren't happy if there isn't a male lead, which I think makes them somewhat close-minded. Personally, as long as the characters are fun, I don't give a damn.

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