Monday 22 July 2013

A Tactician's Journal 22 - Basically Taking a Break

Previously, Red and the Shepherds met with the Voice of Naga, and were able to acquire an important item. With that summary done, let's get into the next entry, which will probably contain spoilers. Usual statement about being warned about spoilers here.
We made our way back down to the roots of the Mila Tree, where Say'ri told us that factions of the resistance were already uniting in answer to the Voice's call.
Although we had achieved some success, I knew full well that Walhart wouldn't just give up. Say'ri told us that he would muster his forces to quell the rebellion, before turning his gaze to us.
Chrom asked where Walhart's armies were garrisoned. Say'ri explained that they were split into three main divisions; one to the north, one to the south and one for the lands in between. Walhart had command of the north, who might naturally exceeded our own.
Say'ri's brother, Yen'fay, led the southern forces, and apparently his host was said to rival Walhart's.
Hearing about the three divisions gave me an idea, something that Flavia didn't fail to notice. I suggested we divide their divisions by disrupting communications and supplies, as well as slip in some misinformation here and there. Panic would spread throughout the enemy, possibly causing the enemy force to collapse under its own weight.
Chrom then inquired about the third force. They were stationed at Fort Steiger, halfway along the highroad. They were closest to us, although Say'ri believed we would need speed and luck to stand a chance against them. She then suggested sending the bulk of our army to the north and south in order to mask our actual plan.
Chrom would led an elite force through to Fort Steiger. Chrom agreed to Say'ri's suggestion, as did Flavia. Say'ri was inspired by our courage, determined to win the war.

As we were preparing for our march to Fort Steiger, Vaike proposed to Lissa. I don't know whether it was because I had recently proposed to Tharja, or a complete coincidence, but at least our battles aren't lowering our troops' morale. Also, I noticed yet another place of intrigue on the map that I may have glanced over previously.

Before we set out for Fort Steiger, I had noticed that our enemies had been becoming increasingly more powerful. As the future of this world depends on how the Shepherds perform in the battle against Walhart, I have decided to take some time out to ensure that everyone is able to fight at their best.
Plus, you know, we've taken time out from our more important duties before, so I figure that this should be all right. It's not like Walhart or Yen'fay will move against us right now.
So, I will refrain from recording anything in my journal until I feel that the other Shepherds will be able to fight on the same level as Walhart's forces.

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